Greater Niagara General Hospital (Niagara Falls, Ont)

I have two broken ankles. Every two weeks I need to go to GNGH to have my cast removed and replaced. I have gone twice so far.  I have waited a total of 7 hours for these two visits. My legs are to be elevated over my heart to prevent infection and swelling. When we finally see the Tech and Doctor my feet are very swollen. Also there is the issue of Parking cost. We are seniors on a fixed income. $8.00 a visit because we are scheduled for 10am and then actually see the doctor at 2PM is ridicules.  I do not fault the doctor. During my last visit on August 3rd. One cast tech was scheduled. There was approx.. 60 patients waiting to see the doctor. The poor girl was totally overwhelmed. At 11:30 she went to lunch, which she was entitled to and we patients waited an hour for her return. No-one else was on duty.   Once in the office, the admin person(female) stomped into the cast room and shouted at the doctor, “Don’t tell people it is my fault it is taking too long you over booked” The doctor was very professional and ask this women to step out into the hallway.  I now have another appointment scheduled for August 17th. Let me tell you I am dreading the wait, and the drama. The administrator doing the scheduling of the cast tech should look at the appointments book and schedule accordingly. This is supposed to be about patient care, not saving a dollar.  I hope someone will look into this and remedy this problem. If this happens again on the 17th I will be sending this email to the Niagara Review.

Without predgetive

Sharon V Wood

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