grande prairie

My spouse was admitted into the Hospital on October 1 2021 for Covid 19 delta. I, his spouse was not contacted for any updates on his condition, even when he stopped breathing in the night Oct 12, 2021, because the o2 had come off and he turned blue. The only way I knew was that he texted his mother the next day telling her he woke up to many nurses/doctors standing over him. His O2 was depleting significantly over the 2 weeks he was there and stats in the 80s with maximum o2 he could have awake. They then intubated and only then was I contacted by the transition coordinator about his conditions. The transition coordinator, once she took over, kept me fully updated with everything on the 14th. He was intubated that night and flown to another hospital, where I found out other issues that should have been addressed prior to sending him. For example, his last documented blood test to test kidney function was Oct 12 and they gave more lasiks but there is no follow-up test until he arrived in the next hospital. Where they found a significant decrease in function possibly from the lasik which he should not have been given because he had high levels already.
I feel he was not given the appropriate care he should have been given, and the negligence of them not communicating with me on his stats and episodes is a cause for alarm. I feel as though he was sent to the back corner as an unvaccinated covid patient left to die.