Fort St John Hospital, Fort St John, B.C.

This complaint is on behave of every single person that I have ever heard that has gone to the Fort St John hospital,specifically emergen cy. The people there are rude, do not listen to you, and leave you sitting for hours on end. I know of people who have waited to be seen for more than 7 hours, that is bloody ridiculous, and of people who have had heart issues that also wait for the same length of time. Just because they built a brand new hospital did not make it any better. Whatever board or high ups that take care of these kind of things really needs to set foot in Fort St John, unannounced and have a look at the joke that this hospital has become. I sincerely hope that this is taken seriously Fort St John is a nice town and deserves to be treated better at their local hospital. I know of quite a few that just go to Dawson Creek because the hospital there seems to know how to treat people. With care and respect. Thank you for listening.