
Patient: Fiona Rose Kelly 81789-2291

Triage #1 booth admittance at 11:45 ( Sue-Anne did not ask:

Constipation or diarrhea
loss of appetite
Blood in urine feeces or vomit ( none remembered but did not pay attention)
Swelling of right side of stomach
Can’t pass gass
Feels like needs a BM but can’t
Last slept: (2 days ago)

Overall: admitance nurse chose 2 lecture paths instead asking mire directed questions

Sue-Anne ( Triage 1 nurse) Stated

” don’t ever take ibuprofrin on empty stomach,
” don’t dress so warmly next time” ( insulated night gown)

Opinion was GCS 15. Disagree: 11 to 12. Decreased LOC, semi conscious at times over past 24 hrs, bordering delirious.

While waiting in emerg wait rm fiona went unconscious 4 times, LOC decreased significantly.

Overall: process of telling father not to talk lead to poor, uninformed diagnosis.

Still waiting for a doctor 2 hrs later. Many who showed up after with lesser outward symptoms ( ie: they all walked without a wheel chair. None passed out while waiting, non were constantly crying in pain)