extreme diagnosis of psychosis that destroyed my family PRHC -Peterborough

Janet Johnson on 12/18/2010

i live in Peterborough, i underwent an unjust system… innocent until proven guilty???

i need help to write a letter of complaint against the system.

i was a computer technician until released from hospital then laid off last year. hopefully retraining in Network specialist.

i fully co-operated with the police and released my son to them to give to his father with court ordered supervision, while i went for an assessment from Scarborough Grace Hospital. Problem, i was being intimidated by people i did not know for a month and a half. i took some pictures of the vehicals, but was affraid they would want them and left the memory card at home!!! the police looked at my camera memory and found no pictures!!! . i made a mistake in judgement and took my son early from daycare, left the peterborough area as the police seemed unsimpathetic to my situation. i did not know where the police stations were in Toronto, i tried Younge St but did not find, then i remember working in the college park area and the head office was there. i got a parking ticket downtown in front of the stn and they too said no your fine. i had cars following me up younge St i went up to Aurora, OPP and left a CD of the photos at the station as the night guy did not seem inclined to open the locked door.

driving, from 4pm – 9pm with approx half hour to 45 min in stopping for a snack and police. yes i made a judgement error. but i stopped at 9pm at the 24 hour grocer to call police, they took 4 hrs to respond, at midnight the officers show up and the head guy drives to the door near my son and in the van and then looks like he was driving away, but stopped near the exit to talk to a single lady in a black sporty small car.
i was set up!!!
i co-operated, and unknowingly became a victim again.
the officer called my ex, i heard my ex husband say”ah officer give me a break” and the officer said “i already did” my ex did not want to call his sister to supervise his time with our court ordered visitation agreement.

at the Scarborough Grace Hospital, the emergency room (as already admitting a girl i believe i recognized from yesterdays attempt to get stress leave off work , she was talking to people you couldn’t see) The officers left me to lose what existed of my life in the hospital. July 16, 2009 i went to PRHC to get a doctors note for stress leave, but i did not see me getting out in time befor my sons daycare closed or if they admitted me i needed to get my son first and decide a plan of action and left PRHC.

the Scarborough Grace Hospital said i was from Peterborough and asked my permision to transfer me to PRHC after a rough overnight stay in an issolated room with a guard outside and on a very uncomfortable vinyl two seater couch with metal arms, the first room on the left. They attempted to drug me with the water they supplied, it made me feel ever more scared so i only drank a little as needed. i was parched. they sugggested a brain scan to rule out a problem there, it was painful. In the morning they transfered me to a room at the back left side of the emerge that now had only two vinyl arm chairs to sit in all day, no food was offered the entire day. i was tired, scared, hungry.
i did not see the release note, stating they considered me to be a harm to myself…. i was coherent, calm, co-operating. i thought i would be released immediately on explaining my situation. i thought my life was over, unreal. the ambulance i believe left at 5pm and did not get to Peterborough until 9pm?? the ambulance attendant allowed me to go to the washroom befor he put me onthe gurney and immediately went in after me, i had my monthly. we drove past a lake, in driving rain, went along a divided two lane hwy like hwy 11 and the ambulance had too much exhaust fumes and stank like an outhouse. i fell asleep to wake up as we turned onto the Parkway in Peterborough.
in peterborough i was told i would see a Doctor on Monday as it was Friday, did i need anything? yes, food pls i was given a sandwich. i was in the intensive care unit in the basement of PRHC. the food sometimes made me feel dizzy, unclear in the head, i ate sparingly. i did not accept meds to be administered to me at the beginning. when the doctor came, i was told they were observing me. i suffered some kind of brain bruising in the night time at PRHC in the intensive unit, i would try to cover my head when the pain was too much. i was not allowed to go outside or attend activities. i was put into the less intense area. i was told by Dr Momi that i would need to take an increasing dosage in the anti psychotic drugs for 3 months until they cured me! i did not agree and asked how did i apeal this? he said the forms…something and went into the nursing station in front of me and yelled at the nurses in there how did i know thier system???? i didn’t i thought there had to be a logical way out of this caos. how did they measure this illness, a test? no there wasn’t. needless to say i was wiped out of the priviledge of the less care and was put back into the intesive care unit for my stand for apeal. and again denied activity access or outside supervised trips. the hospital lawyer referal service lawyer i had to call when the nurses and doctor were trying to coerce me to stop my appeal and they would let me be there voluntarily. but i was not there voluntarily, i wanted out to help my son. the lawyer advised against signing anything until he got there as he was used to them doing this and then not following through|!!

Unbelievable to lose what existed of my life in the hospital, the lawyer i had for my fight for my sons health said he did not know how to work for a mental client and did not stand up for my son or myself. he, my ex’s lawyer and the child advocate co-erced me to sign away my son based on the medical psychosis diagnosis and prescribed anti-psychotic drugs.
i was investigating abuse on my son. i have pictures even now of his bruising he would return with after visites in Toronto with his father. with this diagnosis, the Lawyers and Child advocate wrongly state that i also imagined what my son disclosed to me and the bruise pictures as part of my psychosis. my son lived with me his whole life 0-5yrs as i was divorced from his father.

What i thought as my CAS worker, said she investigated with the Toronto CAS, but this never materialized i found out too late. no history of father problem in Toronto CAS, they see no problem allowing the father custody and now unsupervised!!

i can’t beleive that a mental health issue would make me lose custody of my son. i am very angry at this false system that is existing to ruin everyday people from their life…there needs to be accountability to the life sentence these doctors see no qualm about assigning to people with out recourse. n i would love to see the doctors take the same meds and be treated the same way.