Etobicoke General Hospital. Kills not saves!

Thursday May 12th my mom was admitted to Etobicoke General Hospital in Toronto for a low hemoglobin issue . Her stay was 13 days . To sum it up my mom left in worse shape than she got there due to the negligence. Protocols make no sense and the filth!! Let’s not start with the filth I can’t type all day . I stayed in as a care provider as I didn’t trust them based on the emergency night blood clot mistake …and just lack of information staff had from one shift to next. My mom missed medication , they forgot to test her blood . I insisted my mother was getting a blood clot due to the discoloration of her hand . I have a little medical knowledge but enough to know it wasn’t right. I asked them to remove the IV many times but got “you worry too much “ attitude . Sure enough 48 hours later when my mom was in
So much pain and couldn’t feel her fingers they called in a vascular surgeon . Blood clot was treated in time she didn’t lose her hand but this could have been avoided . She had a IV put in other arm only to have the the tourniquet forgotten on , when they tried to inject the dye for her CT scan things went wrong . They tried to flush it made it worse she got another blood clot . These life threatening mistakes are killing people … Cherry on the cake is they admitted a Covid patient (knowing he had Covid ) in the bed in front of my mother ! His cough was constant and I overheard the nurses say he had a fever! I immediately approached the nurse on call and said this man clearly sound sick and infectious and asked to move him because no one should catch what he had especially because there was a man next to him with a feeding tube and was non mobile .He came back to say he was cleared from
Infectious disease department. Well three days later my mother gets chills, feverish and flu like symptoms . She asked 4 times to get tested, no one did . Get released Tuesday May 24th 2022 first thing I did was text my mom and myself . Mom tested positive ! When I called the floor manager to tell him all that went wrong he admitted that patient had Covid and still they put him in a room
With immune comprised sick patients !! This is insane ! They waste so much time and money on vaccine passport checks but they are putting Covid patients in the same room!!! Crazy ! We are all livid with the insanity and have no trust in this health care we are suppose to trust !