Etobicoke General Hospital, Etobicoke, ON

This hospital is a disgrace. I can relate several instances where my parents have been taken to this emergency department, but earlier this month, my father was taken there by ambulance. He was suffering from anxiety and dementia and he was dropped off by EMS, left sitting in ambulatory care and emergency for hours while they investigated although it was apparent from his tests that he was physically ok. He eventually wheeled himself out of hospital and got into a cab wearing a diaper and golf shirt! All this time, I had no idea where he was. I finally tracked him down and got the runaround from the staff, I guess because they were trying to find him. They wouldn’t share his medical status or any other info and left me bewildered and extremely concerned, finally owning up to “losing him”. Thankfully he found his way home. I called patient experience and after two messages I finally heard from the head of emergency, Helen Romas. Initially she asked me for my take on the situation — then when I asked why they didn’t call me when he arrived, why they didn’t tell me immediately when he was missing and then never bothered to follow up with me to see if he was ever found, she started pivoting and talking over me, not letting me finish a question. I finally abruptly asked her to please let me finish my remark before interrupting me — and then she HUNG UP ON ME. They took ABSOLUTELY NO RESPONSIBILITY for the crazy goings on at the hospital that night. About two or three years ago dad got lost in the system another time when he spent the night in emergency. When I returned in the morning, they couldn’t find him. It took about 30 minutes for them to finally tell me where he was — still in a different area of emergency. This after they sent me on a wild goose chase all over the hospital. Overall, I find this department sadly disorganized, not compassionate at all and totally disregarding of patient safety. They will claim they are short staffed and this may be true, but they are also extremely rude and dismissive and they LOSE patients and don’t inform families. Disgraceful treatment of seniors and their families.