ER North York Hospital

On july 27, 2024 i was in ER at North YorK Gen Hos, i was attended by Dr.Tomlin did ct scan, xray coz i got post trauma accident 2days ago, she gave me a paper for post trauma ff up check in sunny brook told me if i didnt receive call fr them i will do the ff up call, so i call UHN RAin sunny brook & they told me to referral receive fr NYGH i need to call them, i call NYGH they said they can find referral they will make one & call me- another 1 wk past no call- i call again ths is 2nd wk of waiting they said we cannot find referral etc u need to go back at NYGH-ER so they can make one- i came back today aug 9 the nurse told me just leave the paper & will ask Dr. Tomlin to do the referral or call again or be back again nxt wk?, the registration said no Dr need to see u coz Dr’s are rotating we dont know yet when Dr Tomlin coming back 1-2wks? Like ive been calling, waiting for 2wks, went back to NYGH-ER but still they give confusing, uncertain instruction, info etc… they giving me more trauma etc