Emergency IV procedure training Valleyfield hos[ital

Recently about 2-3 weeks ago I was admitted to the trauma ward at Valleyfield hospital (for fast heart beat. It was decided to take blood to test. Initially a student nurse tried to take blood but could find a vein. The nurse supervising took over and inserted an IV in my left arm. She inserted into inside of my left elbow – not considering what would happen if I bent my arm !! I was kept overnight – in the morning there was a large patch of dried blood over the area of my arm where the IV was and a large blood stain on the sheet. I presume in my sleep I moved cause the IV to leak. Since then I have had a weakness in my upper left arm.
Every other time I have had an IV inserted (and there have been many) it has always been in forearm (back or front) never in the elbow. I question the training of the nurse involved and also the propagation of this training to student nurses.