Disregard for Hospital Policy Royal Columbian Hospital New westminster BC

My father was rushed to Emergency after a terrible car crash on February 26th 2010. I am his only daughter and in charge of giving consent for any proceedured given by the doctors.
My fathers friend and daughters are causing me a great deal of stress and harrasment to the point I have benn unable to visit my Father in the hospital. I have had to involve the public trustee to protect my fathers pension.
I have asked the hospital SW to please make arrangement so I can attend the Hospital without fear of threats and harrasment, with no succes.
this woman and her daughetrs are make derogatory claims and since my father is still on life support can not speak for himself.
I am seeking assistance from the Hospital to accomidate my rights to visit my Father.This woman has a very shady past and has claimed she has tough big guy friends, this is an atttempt at intimidation. She herself has a shady past and I believe some Mantal Health issues.
Why is the Hospital allowing this.
I thought only immediate Family was permitted in ICU what a crock!!!
Elaine Hunt