Discrimination Sudbury Regional Hospital

I was in the Sudbury Hospital on November 18,2010, for chronic back pain. I have been there several times for the same thing. My specialist has droppec me as a patient since he referred me to a pain clinic in the meantime i go to the hospital ti get pain medication needed. ON this date when i went to hospital upon being addmitted my blood pressure was 165 over 104. The Dr. That seen me refused to do anything for my pain while there and would not give me anytihng to take home. He told me that I was just a seeker for narcotics even though he can see the records that i never abuse my meds and alwasy get something to help me while there and to take home. I went home and i had to call and see if there was another DR. on shift that night who told me i could come back in and get something for my pain. I am very humiliated and imbarrased by the Dr. who basicaly called me a drug addict and when i asked him opn my way out why he would not help me he yelled at me infront of other patients that he wont help me because i am only seeking narcotics. Because i cannot get pain medication to assist my pain on aregular basis it is supposed to take more thtan a year to get to pain management my blood pressure soars out of control when i am in pain and it scares me to think that i may just one day have a heart attack because i cannot get any popper pain mangement cause i am just accused of being an addict.

Donald R. Law on 12/6/2010