Desperate for help Juravinski hospital

Hello, I was in the Juravinski hospital Tues Feb 27th. I am in really bad health and went in complaining on breathing problems which I still have and extreme stomach discomfort. They did not do a thorough check of my symptoms. I am in extreme pain and can no longer eat solids and liquids is very difficult as well as I’m finding it very hard to breath when I eat. They did basic blood tests and sent me home without doing any other tests, this is serious because my situation is getting worse daily. They said they cannot help me and referred me to a pain clinic which did not address my issue. I’m in desperate need of help. My family doctor tried to get me into hospital with no success due to no beds. This is not right, I am suffering greatly and telehealth Ontario called an ambulance on my behalf suggesting I go to hospital. No one is listening to me and if I die due to this issue you can be assured it will not look good for your hospital. I have been to hospitals as I am in distress! They referred me to a pain clinic. This is so wrong and I should have been looked at further. Please, I don’t want to have to go to the patient ombudsman. Your hospitals need to do better for patients, no one is listening to me!!