Delay sending medical reports Trillium Health Center Mississauga

Respected Sir or Madam

I would like to implore sincere apology by reading through the contents of this matter. I admitted in the Trillium Health Center Mississauga dated 14th December 2009 till 20th December 2009. I was into the bed to death situation as due to extreme dehydration and food poisoning. The doctor conducted several tests and discharged me on 20th December by informing that you need to see your personal doctor and the medical reports will be sent to your doctor for further treatment. I had the appointment with the doctor 28th December the DR Maximous Youssef Meikael Abdel-Male did not have any reports. The doctor advised me to go personally to the Trillium Health Center and get the report by yourself. I was extremely week and even hard to walk. I tried to mange to go to the hospital and requested for the reports the Health Information Management office of Trillium Health Center Mississauga said it will take 10 business days to send the report. After keep requesting the Health Information Management sent the report on 8th January 2010. I work for the Rogers Communication Inc I was on Short Term disability up till 4th January 2010. It was advised by the Shepall-fgi the third part that works with Rogers Communication Inc to look after the health care matters that If I did not return to work by 5th January 2010 the doctor had to fill the medical follow up forms and will send to shepal-fgi. The Trilliun hospital completely mishandled my medical reports and the Dr Maximous Youssef Meikael Abdel-Male could not send my Short Term Disability forms to the Shepal-fgi. Now I am in completely deep financial crisis as this organization who considered to be health care mismanaged the medical reports .

You are on the seat of justice, I hope the subsequent matter will be taken under your kind patronage
Contact: 647-409-2786
Note : Futher to inform you as per the instruction of Minster of Health and Long-Term Ontario the email was sent to Ms Connie fleese called and did not provide any appropriate explanation perhaps the matter addressed in the email properly not realized by Ms Connie fleese