Credit Valley Mississauga Hospital

Here is my absolutely disstisfying frustrating and disappointed complain about Credit Valley Mississauga Hospital.

I won’t go into detail but following capture my personal experience as an emergency patient.

Unprofessional staff –  get better service from city garbage collection service
Extremely rude and unfriendly
Had two minutes of personal conversation with my doctor to shown my frustration oy to be disturbed by on duty Staff to interfere where doctor simply did not express to be political correct in front of unionized gang staff. I suggested to doctor the staff should know they are here to provide hath care services and they must be understanding and polite with patients
Was threatened by Staff for ambulance charges

List goes on an on

Unhappy and shame on hospital Staf and also feel shame to Mississauga resident where I frequently donate to hospital needs

Extremely unhappy Mississauga Resident