Credit Valley Mississauga

i am almost 7 months pregnant and waiting to see an Obstetrician at the credit valley hospital, every time my gp calls they are told that there is no appointments available before the end of july ehich even according to my gp is a bit late….after hearing this for a million times i took it upon myself to get myself an appointment…i went down to the hospital to see how i can get a quick appointment as my pregnancy is progressing and i have no idea which doctor will be working on my case. Once at the hospital NOBODY seemed to know where i should be going and who i should be talking to…..they sent me from one department to another …after about 40 mins of running from one corner to the other i gave up….the next day i called the hospital and was advised”that if i cant get an appointment soon enough i shud try another hospital” or i shud go to emergency if there is something critical….i was furious after hearing this…

im extremely disappointed and worried …my gp can only help me so much in my issues relating pregnancy and after visiting her everyday and she also realizing that she cant help me anymore i was finally able to get an appointment end of july at credit valley which is my 8th month….i think its sad that even after paying so much in taxes we still have to wait till 8 months before we are able to see an Obstetrician ….. i hope things can be fixed soon….