Credit Valley Hospital

My name is Dileep Wadhwani and just want to bring a serious health issue, I am facing with since last 2 and half a months. I work in BMO bank of montreal lending services and on July 17, 2012 at around 8.00pm, I fell down from my chair and could not even stand up. My colleagues, Assistant manager as well as security staff tried to lift me up but they could not and they called 911. I was then taken to credit valley hospital emr. I was not able to walk or sit due to accute pain. The emr on duty doctor, Dr.Peter gave me some 3-4 pain killers and he also ordered some x-rays as well as some tests. at around 2.00 am, Doctor informed me that, I have two pins in my hip-I was shocked to hear asked me if, I had any surgery/operation in past. I informed the doctor that, I had appendex surgery in 2007 in this same hospital. He asked me if any other prior to that or any accident. I explained the doctor that, Prior to appendex, I had only nose (sinus) surgery back home in 1992. doctor then released me and advised me that, I should contact my family doctor in the morning and he can arrange a bone specialist to get these pins taken out as these pins are the main cause as every thing else looks ok-doctor showed me the pins in xrays. I was shocked again as he could have arranged the specialist to do the surgery right then and there. I talked to the doctor but he said that, it looks like you (me) have pain relief. I informed the doctor this might be Due to 3-4 pain killers but doctor did not agree.
I went to my family doctor in the morning and he was shocked to hear this. he called credit valley for my reports. Credit valley faxed 02 reports but did not send the 3rd hip report by saying that report is not ready yet. I went to hospital and asked for cd-i received the cd and showed to the doctor and on 3rd day (july 19,2012), my doctor called the credit valley again but the same answer that report is not ready. Finally, hospital faxed the report in evening saying that,they found 2 metallic foreign bodies and one clip however 2 metallic foreign bodies were present during the last surgery in 2007 but not clearly visualized.
My family doctor sent the referal to orthopedic however due to accute pain, I went to emergency again and this time the doctor on duty forced me to tell him that, I had either surgery and or accident prior to the 2007 surgey performed in credit valley. I explained him again however he said the pain is not because of these pins and I should contact my family doctor and he gave me strong pain killers. I went to my family doctor and explained him and showed him the prescription. My family doctor stopped me from taking these pills saying he never prescribe these pills as these can cause ulcer. in the mean time with the advise of my family doctor, I also went for physiotherapy but it did not help and physiotherapist told me that, physio can not help me out. I went to an orthpedic surgeon and he told me that, he will be out of office for 3 months and today is his last day in his clinic-I asked him then why did he accepted my referal. theis doctor ordered other tests and advised me that, he will try to send my referal to one of his colleague in Trillium. I went for those tests and were clear. I got an appointment with an other specialist at trillium and after just 2-3 minutes checkup he said that, there is no need of takining these pins out as these are not causing problem. I asked him same question that then, why OI am having pain and most of the time my right leg is shaking, the specialist said its because of some spinal cord problems and I should go to Spine specialist. then my doctor sent a referal req to neaurologist to see if its nerves problem, I saw her yesterday morning, however as per neaurologist because there is no numness so it does not look like nerves problem but as credit valley is saying that these pins were present during past surgery so they might be present. she ordered MRI and pelvis & hip x-ray to confirm the pins before they do MRI. I asked her that, I have CD showing the pins however she did not have CD/DVD player to see. She (Neaurologist) asked me to ask my doctor to give some “norctic” tablets like marphine to kill the pain, I requested her that, what if I get addict of these pills? Now I am still sufferring from that pain and was out of work for last two and half a months. I joined work on 17th of Sept. for few hours due to the reason, I was feeling that, This hospital system in Ontario will not help me out so I should try, however I could not sit and or stand at work even for ten minutes. On 19th of Sept, I was not able to stand up from my chair and two of my managers helped me to lift and on same day while I was going to Timhortons with my collegue and my right leg shaked and whole coffee splited on my shirt, my manager advised me to see your family doctor again and from 20th of sept, I am again OFF work with my doctor’s advise.
I also sent the email to Ontario Primier as well as ministry of health but nothing has been done except for an advise that, I should contact this and that.
My Questions are:
1. I can atleast go to court against hospital ( which I have also been advised by my near and dears)but I did not want that as these hospitals are being funded with our own money (public)
2.If pins were present at the time of first surgey, why they did not remove those pins OR inform me and or my family doctor.
3.Now if I agree with the specialist who told me that, these pins are not causing any problem then I want to know that, What is the problem? Why I am not being treated fairly and why I am being sent here and there. I hope you understand my situation. I do not want to be handicap and want to be productive for my employer, Ontario as well as Canada.

Just to let you all know that, I have gone through a lot of mental torture and now its not possible for me to bear more, I just want to be treated for this problem ASAP as I do not want to go here and there for nothing. I have received the reports of my previous surgery at Credit Valley hospital- showing nothing.

Thank you

Dileep Wadhwani