Confusion in the E.R. Sudbury Regional Hospital

I went to emerg after suffering from a severe gallbladder attack for 12 hours (finally was able to get up and go). The regitration/triage part of my visit was quick and timely…. however once I got into the back it was a different story. I work in a Medical Laboratory, and painfully watched a technician poke and prod at a women untill she was in tears. After watching this, a technician (after discuss with co-workers who the “lady” in the waiting room is) was asked who I was. Was then informed that they don’t have my chart. Ok. So after another half an hour they find my chart and get my blood work done. I settle in for an asumable wait. Was very patient through the first HALF of my book WHILE having to deal with a snoring man next to me moaning in his seat (ackward). After about 5 horus in to my visit. I asked what the deal was to be informed by a snooty nurse that my blood work is back from the lab and to “have a seat and be patient” we’ll see you when we see you. Because I work in the health feild I understand that they are doing the best they can and get “erked” when people ask how long its going to be; but after hearing the phrase “I can’t find your chart” and “Where is the chart” and so on…. I figured I better make sure I was still registered. By this time my attack had ceased. I had the courtesy to tell the nurse to remove my file, and was told I had to sign some stuff and “theres only 2 ahead of you” but once your in a room it can be another 2 hour wait (that would have brought my wait time to about 9 hours)……
pretty much an extremely DISORGANIZED, UNPROFESSIONAL, HORRIBLE expierence…. with a lovely 6$ fee to get out of the parking lot for NOTHING…. Next time I will be driving to Sturgroun Falls, Espanola, or North Bay…. Sudbury your going down hill…