Compliants Dept/ Sick Kids/ Toronto

Dec 02 2012

To Whom it may concern

I writing a brief letter on a compliant toward a Doctor Komudi Siriwardena who work at the PKU clinic at the hospital. I have some issues with her regarding her behaviuor and lack or respect towards me and my family. I was at my daugters appointment at the hospital on November 23 2012 and during that appiontment I was rudely attacked verbally infront of my daughter and her colleagues with other family members around the area during our visit. She was upset because I was asking to try and leave a little earlier for another appontment which I had for my daughter in the afternoon at the dentist. This is not the first time this has happened, for a person in her position she should have a little more respect toward me and my family, she gives no confidence toward us on my sons or daughters condition plus whatever I tell her she cuts me off and says that I’m wrong and its not that way. After talking it over with my wife we decited that I’m writing this compliant and another letter to the Hospitals investigation and compliants Dept. Plus a copy to the Minister of Health at Queen’s Park where I work out off. I will await someone to contact me back on this matter because my next visit is with Dr. Komudi is in Feburary of 2013 for my son Michael and I do not want to have her there I want the hospital to appiont another Doctor in her place. I never experienced this before with Dr. A Feigenbaum when she was there, she was great with me and my kids allways with positive attitude toward up coming research never disregarted my opinion on anything I said, I wish she had not retiered during this process with my kids. I will have a copy of another letter to be handed in when I hear back from someone in your department. You an contact me at my home or cell, Home # 905 469 1394 or cell # 416 460 5070. Thank you for your time in this matter.

Don Gouveia.