Complaint Thunder Bay

I was at the emergency (Thunder Bay District Health Sciences Centre Thunder Bay ON) today Oct 4 2022 @ 8am (my husband was getting an infection packed) I dropped him off and parked my car. There was an elderly gentleman who had a hospital wheelchair who asked me if I could help him. He said he was dropped off at the wrong door for an appointment and he had no way to get to the main entrance. He asked if I could wheel him outside around the building to the main entrance. I said cant you just go through the hospital here and he said that he was told no he cant and he had to go around and no one would help him. I went in and ask the young man (sitting at the first point of contact) if there was anyone who could help this guy and he said no were short staffed. WOW so I wheeled the gentleman to the main entrance so he could get to his appointment, I see people coming from Robins donuts going through the closed doors but to actually not even help this gentleman who had to wait to see if he can ask a stranger for help and not giving a darn if he makes his appointment is very disturbing to me. Honestly I witnessed him tell an elderly lady who had someone else with her that she’s at the wrong entrance. She said we parked way over in the parking lot and is there any way to go through here to get to the other entrance. He said no go get your car and drive to this entrance and pick the person up and drive around to the other entrance. Something is wrong with this!!!!!!! Very upsetting to actually witness something like this. I understand that its busy but really to not even help or care about someone who actually needs help. I hope that this is not a common practice for the hospital and if it is its a shame.
Regard Suzie