Comaplaint against a rude nurse

Finally I had a chance to write this complaint against the nurse in charge at the mental health Unit(B) at the William Osler Hospital, Brampton. I experienced very rude and obnoxious hateful attitudes from the nurse in charge Brenda.I cannot express how rude, pushy and disrespectful this nurse to the patients and to the visitors. Some of the patients can not stand her as she is belittling them and treat them with disrespect. Unfortunately, she gets away with her authoritarian, obnoxious attitude. I am sure that there are so many complaints were filed against her bad personality. She gets away with her bad manner as she writes false incedent reports that make her look highly competent and polished to cover up her ugly personality and rude manner.
We had to discharge the patients from this hospital to protect them from her terrible attitude and the bad atmosephere. Because she is the nurse in charge she was able to infulence other nurses and they started ignore the need of our patient and mistreating the patient when we are not present by his site. I am asking the president CEO of the hospital to keep a close look in this unit and keep an eye on this terrible nurse as the patients abd the vistors should be treated with dignity and respect.