CIBC Breast Cancer Assessment Centre Juravinski

I am aware that the CIBC Breast Cancer Assessment Centre does great work and supports many people with breast cancer, however, their booking system is a complete disaster. On three separate occasions I was booked for an appointment, called the booking line to confirm the time and date, and then showed up to the appointment only to be told that I had come on the wrong day. Today, took the cake! I was booked for February 23 and was left a message to say the appointment has been changed to Wednesday, February 3. There is no Wednesday, February 3. I called and asked if the appointment was for Wednesday, February 2 OR Thursday, February 3 and it was confirmed via message that the appointment was for Wednesday, February 2. When I arrived, I was told I had come on the wrong date and the appointment was for March 2, 2022. Whomever booked the appointment flipped the day and month in their computer system even though they told me to attend on February 2. While this may seem like no big deal….it is massive for some people. To get to the appointment I have to pay for a friend to babysit my children, arrange care for my elderly parent for the afternoon, and arrange to get a ride to the centre. When I explained this to the front receptionist, she could have cared less. She honestly made ZERO effort to acknowledge the error or even accommodate their mistake. As far as she was concerned this was the booking persons problem and not hers to fix. I find it hard that the centre could not accommodate my simple ultrasound but instead basically told me to go away and come back another day. Just to clarify, this was the third appointment where an error occurred. Maybe invest some money into training in this area and conflict resolution because this receptionist showed no compassion or desire to assist. She simply told me it was my responsibility to rebook.