Chief Of Staff Washington DC+ Some BC Residing Offices

MY hospitalization around June 7 TH 2022 simply took place with a possible assaults’ complaint which non at all I was running out of breath and required immediate adamant medical care needless to say I once again received the worst communicators on the planet the VPD again it led up to St.Pauls Hospital which leaves I breathless for the number of times of its outreach program to or for a very well put together person like myself they claim all kinds of things as well as Certify I for a number of treasons unspecified . This most recent event like exactly for timing like the last ones ha s courts now ha say daughter abandoned and they wont let me go when are you people going too understand that I m just fine and the IM well enough to be discharged , now again last time and la st times before that to to get a document sent off by the social; worker to the Ministry for extra supplemental support did it happen NO it didn’t maybe again this time it will who knows Now Im anorexic i cant eat the hospital food supplied here when speaking to the doctor about lengthier passes or something along a nutruituionalist that can accommodate these needs I do NOT GET HEARD WHY are you yourself OFF YOUR RAIDAR. Please think about it next time that no way to care for someone nor put ant of their indifferences disorders complexes at ease REMEMBER THAT, THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT PERTSON WRITTING THIS TO YOU THIS IS A MOTHER OF 10 AND COUNTING BABIES AND ALSO YOUR OUR IM THER ACO OF AND THE DIPLOMAT OF CANADA PLEASE LERARN TO TAKE GREATER CARE OF I>