

Etobicoke General Hospital

This is about Etobicoke General hospital. After my baby was born we were called in 2 days to check baby for jaundice. And then we had to admit him so we were assigned a room in paediatric. At around 8.30 in evening so the nurse came in and she said…


Complaint RVH Barrie

On 5 occasions I attempted to get into barrie rvh using accommodation in written form of communication. They would not allow it. Even with my therapist trying to speak for me. I had to speak they said. Then being suicidal and finally permitted in the hospital. Not accepting my accommodation.…


Complaint Thunder Bay

I was at the emergency (Thunder Bay District Health Sciences Centre Thunder Bay ON) today Oct 4 2022 @ 8am (my husband was getting an infection packed) I dropped him off and parked my car. There was an elderly gentleman who had a hospital wheelchair who asked me if I…


Really hurting right now

I had C-section the other day I went out side and then came back in walked rhrough the doors and slipped on the wet flour pulling everything muscle in my back the whole section area feels destroyed. The guy only came after leaving the flour with no wet flour sign…


Royal Victoria hospital of Montreal

I just want to share my recent experience and also opinions with you. Recently on 1st of September, I went to emergency department of Royal Victoria hospitalof Quebec. I went there around 10.15 a.m. The doctor finally called me around 5.30 p.m. I was patient about the delay, since the…


Foothills emergency

Hello. My husband was unable to breathe properly 2 nights ago, after having increasingly worse pain in his torso from the night before. It got to the point where he was gasping for breath, and was in severe pain. He went to Foothills Emergency for help. They gave him Advil…


CHEO urology posted medical letter to my sons my chart and forwarded to multiple medical professionals and it was grossly unacceptable— numerous errors that could very well directly impact my sons ability to live —- this letter needs to be stricten and rectification needs to occur ASAP

My son is Antony Salazar-Bogoje He is gravely ill, and barely surviving due to gross errors made by medical professionals NOT taking information correctly and creating their own medical information for him which is grossly false. This is unacceptable Dr Guerra – C2-B urology has signed off on this letter…