


For a long long time me and my family doctor Anthony Mc. Dowell are trying to get MRI for my low back, both feet, left and right ankle and knees. We followed your procedure and got all X rays of the above mentioned prior to sending requests for MRI .…


Lakeridge Hospital Ajax

Hi, My wife is 16 weeks pregnant and she started bleeding suddenly on June 9th, 2021. We were scared and nervous and we had to rush to the ER at around 7 PM. The Doctor saw my wife around 12:30 AM!!  She ordered the blood and urine samples and the nurse told…


RVH Barrie

So as i havevhad miserable experiences at RVH from beinv assulted while strapped to a gurney, dec 24 i attempted suicide the nurse was very heatless and cruel she slaped my penis, and threatend she would stick a cathater on my penis, i was sick from taking hindred remeron half…


Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital

Hello, This complaint is filed for my father: Patient name: Zarif Sedra Mohareb Kandes HCN: 3772841528HE B.O.D.: July 7, 1932 Complaint against: Dr. Shamim Safia, CPSO#: 85389 Location of complaint: ER – Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital Subject: On Friday January 8,2021 my father, Zarif Sedra Mohareb Kandes visited the emergency…


Etobicoke General

My brother in law was brought into Emergency last night. I received one call advising of initial tests to be done. Was told would be updated. I have not heard from anybody. I called numerous times – it either keeps ringing or I for a person connecting me then was…


Michael Garson Hospital

The floors on the main level need to be cleaned and remove the dust in the corners and at the edges. We have been they 4 times in the last month and the corners and edges from the drug store all the way to the k wing needs some cleaning.…


Hamilton general hospital

Was with my wife who was using a walker and going to the fracture clinic for an appointment. I was going to go with her but they refused to let me go although there were 2 couples ahead of us with only one person using a wheeled walker as my…