Brockville General hospital Emergency

I started having severe muscle pain, nauseous, and vomiting 2-3 times back in June. I called the online doctor, he suggested I should go and do the COVID-19 test. On the same day I did the test and by the end of the day I was crying from severe muscle pain and nausea. So I called the online doctor again and he asked me to go to ER.
The service at Brockville General Hospital is really bad…. wait time is crazy although it is not as busy as you compare it to Ottawa. Nurses are around doing nothing just chatting. The stuff doesn’t follow COVID Protocol at all. When I was checked at the front with the nurse, I did tell her that I was asked to do the COVID test because of my symptoms. She didnt really care. I was asked to sit in the same area with others including a child. I was very terrified about what if I have Covid and the kid is sitting a meter away from me.
Everyone says that hospitals fully follow the rules to avoid the spread of COVID 19. But based on what I saw none did. I sat in the waiting room from 5pm-10pm. Finally I was called at 10pm to go and sit in one of the room. I waited in the room from 10pm-12am. I had to come out of my room to ask if a doctor is going to come then one of the nurse who was busy chatting with others told me that the doctor will come see me soon.
Finally she came, she was only covering her face with mask and shield. My question is that let’s see if I was infected with COVID, Firstly, I had spread it to another 50 people just because of the hospital’s careless and deliberately disobeying the rules.
No wonder why people gets infected while they are in the hospital because the stuff aren’t trained well to obey rules. I 100% agree it’s is the patient’s responsibility as well to obey but when the patient is compelled to go the Emergency then it is the hospital that should take full action to protect patients.
People who comes with COVID-19 symptoms, I think they should be isolated from other patients in the waiting room.
Also, doctors and nurses get paid 3x more than others to help people get treated. They are not there to chat or waste time.