Brampton Civic Hospital Brampton

January 7, 2021 Complaint to Brampton Civic Hospital

Re: Mr. Manuel F. Dias

On December 25, 2020 Christmas day my dad had sudden symptoms of a stroke. His body suddenly became week especially his left side. He vomited twice. He was slurring his speech and extremely forgetful in short term memory. He had a high fever. Ambulance was called and he was taken to Trillium Hospital for suspected Stroke. After a CT scan performed he was sent by ambulance to Brampton Civic same day. I questioned why they would not just keep him at Trillium, they suggested it was protocol. (My dad in the past was admitted to Trillium even though we live in Brampton there was no such protocol) .

While he was admitted to ACE unit, under Dr. Britto. On Dec 27 I was told my dad would be discharged by this Doctor. Less than 5 minutes later after informing my dad he’s coming home, Dr. Britto calls back and advised she has now looked at the Trillium CT report and it indicated that my Dad had a 96% artery blocked on his neck on the right, they would be keeping him for further testing.

I questioned why it took 4 days for that report to be read? An x-ray was taken on the 28th. However, the technician decided to remove my dad’s thick silver necklace with cross and good luck pendant that has not left his body in 25+ years. She removed it from him and placed it in a container on the side in the x-ray room. My Dad never received it back, and it went missing. When she was questioned she mentioned she placed it on the linen in between his Legs? (that was not accurate). and no sign of necklace or compensation mentioned. I have been trying to reach Josie since we spoke on December 28th, when it went missing on the 27th. Manager Nurse ACE unit Beverly also aware but neither one has been heard since.

(I understand that hospital policy is they are not responsible for lost jewelry and to leave jewelry at home. However, my dad wears a Golden Medical Bracelet is that to be left at home warning he’s diabetic. Does this policy apply with your are having a stroke like symptoms and time is of that upmost essence, one barely has time to get one’s health card. Does this apply with hospital staff putting their hands on a patient who’s had several x-rays in the past without removing his chain. Yet she is not responsible to take responsibility for putting her hands on a patient physically removing his chain and not having the responsibility of placing it back on his body,) In this case this is breeding grounds for further patient elderly theft.

My father is 84, he has early signs of dementia and suffers from depression and has bells palsy, they kept him in isolation 8 days without cleaning him or supervising him when he eats. He has problems eating and drinking without choking his food and over his bead there is a sign for the nurse (supervise when eating) by the speech language pathologist. I took the covid test and I offered to help relieve nurses by helping my dad. I was given only one time visit by Managing Nurse Beverly, on the 28th. As I checked the Unit’s log book of in/out visitors. I noticed “Sister-in laws “Grandchildren” 2 sons of same family etc. They where allowed in but I was primary care giver to my dad willing to help as I was off from my work in a medical clinic. was not given that same advantage. I had more work calling my dad on the phone periodically during the day to make sure he didn’t feel alone and check if nurses where watching him eat or clean him/ after all his stay. They only watched him eat twice.

My dads mental health decreased as, he was now crying on the phone with being so alone in an isolation room for all this time. He complained of inner thigh pain, redness because they where not cleaning him. My dad gets in home PSW for a reason because if he could still manage his hygiene fully he wouldn’t need help.

Another CT scan was done a few days after the x-ray and now it was found that he has not only 96% blocked artery on right of neck but 2 blocked artery’s on his left side of neck. Finally a few days after that the surgeon explained it was too risky to perform Stent or scraping surgery and he would be sent home. January 2, 2021 my dad was finally sent home with an inner groin thigh infection. Currently under treatment with meds by our family doctor not the hospital., and his PSW is taking care of his hygiene .

I am grateful to have the doctors find the outcome of my dad’s condition, but it is little comfort to know he is in the same state and subject to future mini Strokes, or worse.

As for my dads lost /or stolen jewelry , I have made further attempts to reach Patient Experience office and left several message, to resolve compensation (We would be happier if item was found as it is sentimental and valuable) but unfortunately, the alternative is monetary. I have yet to receive a reply, and have decided to complain about my father’s unfortunate stay.

Please don’t use Covid as an excuse for lack of patient care and the misconduct of staff. Waiting for your reply. Thank you.

Lurdes (Debbie) Dias