Brampton Civic Hospital, Brampton


We had horrible experience at William Oslar Health System. Below is the detail experience we had. I would request higher management to look into below and provide me clarification..
My wife had labor pain on her own on July 19th around 11 am. We rushed to Brampton Civic Hospital where we had been informed that baby is 90% and its time to admit, we had been admitted immediately and moved to labour room where all medications had been started.
Around 4 pm, water broke itself. Doctor on- shift checked and informed that everything is okay.
At 7:30 pm the nurse and doctor shift changed. Nurse and doctor from this shift were kind enough.
Dr. Ramadan El Sugy was our delivery doctor responsible to ensure that the delivery goes smooth. Around 8 pm the in-charge nurse had started pushing to my wife which runs till approx 9:20 pm ( around 1 hour 20 mins).
Doctor El Sugy visited and checked that baby’s position is not okay so he changed the baby’s position and informed that we would start again in few mins.
Around 9:45 pm, my wife started to push again as informed by the nurse but again doctor changed the position of baby. The entire time my wife was pushing for the baby.
Around 10:10 pm, doctor informed that we would deliver the baby by vacuum and started the process. After failing of two vaccum pumps, the delivery didnt go through.
Then doctor told to deliver the baby by forceps, doctor tried for approx 15-20 mins but there was no luck. My wife was lost all her energy.Doctor didnt inform us about the risks and didnt ask for consent before starting forceps.
Time was about 10:45 pm and doctor decided to do C-Section in emergency. They took my wife in operation theater. Nurses informed me that I am not allowed since condition is critical.
Around 11:20 pm, Nurses had informed me that baby was out at 11:08 pm.My wife was still not wakening up at that time.Our baby was in NICU till 24th August.
My wife was shifted to post-partum and has been discharged after 48 hours. Inspite of knowing everything, No doctor had ever visited my wife. 
My Child was badly injured in his head and on his eyes. 
My son was discharged from NICU on Sunday, 24th July at 11:00 pm. 
Couple of concerns: 
1. If doctor was aware of the entire situation and had been knowing that its almost two and half hours of pushing ( 8:00 pm to 10:45 pm), why still he was pushing for normal delivery, why he didnt decide for C-Section before? 
2. Why Doctor came to delivery room after 9:30 pm, How come he left only nurse for pushing, why he was not present in the delivery room from 8:00 pm to 9:30 pm?
3. It took around 15 mins to search for the foreceps while the condition of my wife was critical. why all the necessary equipment were not available in the delivery room 
4. who would be responsible for my son’s eyes damage assuming his eyes was open during delivery.. 
5. why No Doctors had ever visited to my wife in post-partum knowing that the condition of my wife was not good.
Patient Name: Thakkar Pooja 
Husband Name: Kapadiya Urmil 
Badge ID: 694456
Contact No: 416-618-5004