Brampton Civic Hospital

There is so much wrong aiut tge last 4 months, with both outpateint mental Health and Dr. Sayeed i dont know where to begin. I list my entire family over last 2 years, i have one sick aunt and two teen niece and nephew left. Dr Sayeed was supposed to vall 2 fridays ago. My newer meds had been cayse some awful affects and thoughts, but i waited, fir appointment. Im working from home on telephone. I recieved no call, no voicemail. I called his reception, who said she couldnt do much but email him. Dispite constant crying panic, and little to mo sleep for days, i waited thinking maybe he would call monday. No follow up. The pharmacy also faxed him abiut medication concerns. I was told be recieption i should go to hospital ” lots of pychiatrists there. I understand with covid drs are busy and that with chronic lung issues and recent unhealed septorynoplasty i was hesitant, but so tired of being sad unmotivated, greiving and afraid i went. I was told ti call camh and given a brochure, that i give to mental health clients at my wirk place. The poor dr briggs was unsure what to do and was shaking during cinversatiin, though i was lucid and in tears and no harm to anyone. Saying she wasnt a psychitrist. I agian explained issues and meds and agreed to wait to see a psychitrist. She proceeded to nursing area in subacute emerg where she discussed me and my information with 2 possible nurses loudly and openly. After about 6 hours being at the hospital, where there was no reason to be if dr had of bothered. But t has been routine that he diesnt listen, i was to be referred to anxiety group on line 3 to four months ago, and asked for counseling. I was the ld it would start that week, but recieved no call. No counseling was duscussed further. I have depression anxiety and sleep disorder, and “some diffrent kind of personality disirder” thats what i was told. With my sisters dead, my mother and nephew dead and a severe car accident that causes permanent facial scarring and surgery, i need assistance. I teach my own mental health clients to avdocate for themselves but, i see why it doesnt always work in thete favor. I need a new psychitrist as is my right and some counseling to help with overwheming events. In patient is not an option as im alone and need to work and in my last inpatient experience, nurses were cold, rude, and spent more time shopping for clothing on the internet than helping. And were rude to patients as well as my Mom. I jyst want a new psychitrist. Who listens and respinds. I was told dr sayeed was the chief on last visit and i shouldnt mess with him by a staff member. But at this point there is no alternative. Still having issues with depression after recent med change adding zoloft which is nit affective. And the system ment to help has made things horribly difficult and whats already tricky to manage a nitemare! Tele: 416 278 3623