bad management or incompetence Outaouais Hospital in Gatineau

We were given an appointment (11:45 am) Friday July 9, 2010 for my daughter to have her tonsils removed. Both my husband and I took time off work to be able to get her to and back from the hospital after her surgery; and of course the patient who is my 22 year old daughter will not be paid for this day off. She also had to make arrangements with her employer to be off for 10 days and the leave without pay was approved by her manager at a bank and she was replaced. Three hours after her appointment and after prepping her for the operation some nurse came to tell her to leave because they didnt have any time left in the day to operate on her. After suffering with severe tonsil infections most of her life and knowing that she was finally going to have them removed to find out that she will have to go through all these arrangements again at a later date was needless to say quite a big disappointment to her and very maddening to me. We are individuals with a life not just a case number. Badly runned administration, if not, I sure would like to know where the blame lies, certainly not with the patient.
D Simard