negligence in death of son Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto
VI Cripps on 2/2/2011 my son had a do not resucitate order put on without my consent as his mother and his IV was interstitial which led to complications.
Let your voice be heard
VI Cripps on 2/2/2011 my son had a do not resucitate order put on without my consent as his mother and his IV was interstitial which led to complications.
Janine A.F.Sakowicz on 1/31/2011 Employees hired create atmosphere of fear, torture, and WW2 humour about the holocaust. Check your directory quickly before the evidence dissapears. Also, a former but wealthier acquaintance (this hAS NO BEARING ON MENTAL HEALTH VICTIMIZATION) gave out personal details of mine so that people with whom…
Every appoint at this location has to be within 5 minutes and I don’t know how much they charge for an appointment, but they charge per appointment anyways. The goal of this clinic is to go through as many patient as possible, the fees are per-appointment, not by time. They…
M on 1/21/2011 OBNOXIOUS receptionist Ms. Tegan? at MRI-Medical Imaging on 21Jan11 Friday, January 21, 2011 11:21 PM To Dr. Tim Rutledge, President and CEONorth York General Hospital 4001 Leslie Street Toronto, Ontario M2K 1E1 [delivered via email to,, ] Dear President and CEO, 1) Your website…
valerie on 1/3/2011 i am writting you this letter to let you know of two issuees the frist being of transplant fraud and dializes insurance fraud people are saying they have to pay for dialises and transplants and taking money for it it says in the transplant book if you are…
J. M. on 12/31/2010 I am a 34yr old paraplegic,I was in a car accident 7yrs ago.I have the unfortunate experience of being at the grey nuns because I ran out of my oxycontin meds that I’ve been taking since my accident.They were prescribed to me by the glenrose hospital…
Randy on 12/27/2010 Horrible staff don’t even care about the patient. Sending people outside with out proper clothes on. Keeping car accident patients strapped down to boards without being able to move or be tend to. Spending 4 hours on one of those things with excruciating pain, not pleasant at…
Janet Johnson on 12/18/2010 i live in Peterborough, i underwent an unjust system… innocent until proven guilty??? i need help to write a letter of complaint against the system. i was a computer technician until released from hospital then laid off last year. hopefully retraining in Network specialist. i fully…
Janet Johnson on 12/18/2010 i live in Peterborough, i underwent an unjust system… innocent until proven guilty??? i need help to write a letter of complaint against the system. i was a computer technician until released from hospital i got laid off last year. hopefully retraining in Network specialist. i…
I was in the Sudbury Hospital on November 18,2010, for chronic back pain. I have been there several times for the same thing. My specialist has droppec me as a patient since he referred me to a pain clinic in the meantime i go to the hospital ti get pain…