
Complaints General

Joseph Brant Hospital

​Hello I am contacting you on behalf of my wife.  Over the past 9 months she has been in and out of Joseph Brant Hospital in Burlington for what he have now found out is a Peri Anal abscess. We were advised today by one of the first Surgeons we…

Complaints General

Canada Wait times for patients ‘worsening’

Some Canadians are waiting longer for medical treatments that federal and provincial governments agreed to provide more quickly, according to a new report. The Wait Times Alliance, which includes doctors from specialties such as emergency medicine, radiology and cardiology, released its annual report card on wait times Tuesday. In a…


Doctors operate on wrong leg of Manitoba man

A Manitoba man who went for surgery on his Achilles tendon woke up in hospital to find doctors cut into the wrong leg. Rick Campbell went into Seven Oaks hospital in Winnipeg for a two-hour surgery on his left leg after he’d torn his tendon. After a five-hour operation, he…