Dawn Johnson


Monford Hospital Ottawa

Monford Hospital Ottawa My mother who is 90 years old will be 91 in October was in your hospital last Thursday was diagnosed with a bladder infection was put on antibiotics for one week. Her family doctor was following up on Tuesday and asked for me to take her to…


langley memorial hospital

my last complaint about the langley hospital was written when i was really upset in pain for four days awaiting surgery. Im not sure if ive ever been in so much pain sitting in this hotel room and now its been six days with a broken ankle.who sends emergency patients…


langley memorial hospital

i came to langley from calgary to visit friends n slipped on a curb n broke my ankle. the doctor told me i need surgery its been four days now and ive been put on the back burner. so im leaving tonight to drive back to calgary. sixteen hours on…


Southlake Regional Hospital

I don’t want toI have had this sore shoulder/neck for three months. I have a rec from my family doctor for extras to my shoulder and neck and an ultrasound to look at the tissue to see if it wasn’t a bone problem then maybe a tissue problem. I only…



May 27th, 2020 To: Queensway Carleton Hospital complaint department From: Lorrain McEwen Sent by email Benthebouvier@gmail.com 20 Chesterton Drive Nepean, Ontario K2E 6Z7 On May 24th, at 2:00 p.m, I yelled at a nurse, yes I did; I was trying to get a bed for my son, William McEwen, to…



I limped into the hospital in April 2020 barely able to move because of sudden lower back pain, not once was I offered any form of mobile assistance. The doctor called me “brave to be here” but the tone was basically her calling me stupid for being at a hospital…



November 2019 I walked in and asked for psychiatric help because I believed my medications (that I told my psychiatrist, Dr.Augustine I didn’t like) were making me incredibly suicidal. They basically said sleep it off, we’ll have the crisis team call you in the morning. I had told them I…


Sunnybrook Toronto

Following is self explanatory email sent to mychart@sunnybrook.ca. ” As I MENTIONED EARLIER, website for mychart@sunnybrook.ca is apprarently DEFECTIVE. 2) I tried with my OHIP card, and then Sunnybrook card number, and all other fields CORRECTLY completed. 3) I have ALREADY attempted mychart@sunnybrook.ca APPARENTLY DEFECTIVE website on MULTIPLE occasions, and…