Answers & Accountability Required

My husband John M. Johnson passed away during the evening of April 27 at Royal Columbian Hospital. To date, I still have no idea what he died of. I brought in a perfectly healthy man who I’m sure died of neglect. I brought him to emergency on Easter Monday April 17th as he had a persistent cough that had worsened. Upon arrival to RCH Emergency, I advised the emergency room staff that he had already been seen by our family doctor who ordered an X-ray of his chest. He was told that a simple procedure to remove fluid between his ribs and his lungs would solve the problem and not to be concerned. I took him to emergency as we couldn’t wait another week for the specialist to phone and then wait again for the procedure to be scheduled. The procedure had to be done right away. My husband also passed a piece of paper to the ER staff that had the name of the specialist that he had been referred to. This specialist works out of RCH. During that week my husband was finding it more difficult to breathe and could barely talk on the phone. Over the weekend of April 23rd, he was texting saying he was worried and scared and that nobody seemed to care and that nothing was happening. I was also told the day after he was admitted that he had Covid. I found this puzzling as we had both hadCcovid 6 weeks beforehand. My husband had no symptoms and I had mild ones. We both tested negative 13 days later. I received mixed messages from the nurses on visitation and my husband advised that we were not to visit now that he was in a private room. I ignored the covid rules and went to the hospital the next morning, Monday April 25th. I was so distraught when I saw him in the condition that he was in as this was not the man I brought in a week earlier. His nurse said that I could wave to him from the window and he would just need a few more days to get better but he would recover. I went home and my son immediately went to the hospital to get some answers. When he arrived at the hospital my husband asked him for some water as he could do it himself as he was so frail. A doctor came in who my son assumed to be a junior as he said he had a boss . One hour later the doctor’s boss came in who is assumingly is the head respiratory doctor. The doctor told my hus after looking at the charts that they were going to drain the lungs and check the fluid for infection. My son asked who would do the procedure and he said either him or the specialist and then told him it would be done the following day on Tuesday under a local anaesthic