When is a kidney stone not a kidney stone? / Brampton Civic Hospital / Brampton ON

When is a kidney stone not a kidney stone?

When it’s misdiagnosed at Brampton Civic Hospital. Not only do they make you wait 5 hours in an exam room overnight without anyone checking on you while in severe pain (nor the other patients worse off than I was, including an infant), while the nurses gab around their station for hours and have just one emergency doctor on staff overnight who was working on another case somewhere else in the hospital, they make the wrong diagnosis with the 10-second doctor visit, throw some pain pills at you, and don’t take a CAT Scan at that time to make sure (instead of needing to schedule 6 weeks later via outpatient, because Ontarians apparently can’t get one without a blood test ahead of time, which only adds more delays).

This was proved today after I went to Moncton (NB) Hospital’s emergency dept using my OHIP card after it flared up again during a family visit. I was in and out in 4 hours with the much better and real story (and it has nothing to do with my kidneys), including waiting just 15 minutes for the CT Scan.

Take my advice: head to Sunnybrook or Toronto General if you live in Brampton for anything more than a splinter.