Holding a patient against her will. H.H. Williams Memorial Hospital – Hay River
Patient wishes to come home after a stroke and anuerysm. Patient is eating thickened food and being at home could offer her the same care that she’s receiving in the hospital. She has been left in diapers for hours until her bottom was bleeding. Left curled up on the bed that was lifted too high to the point that her arms and legs are in horrible pain. Patient has been left in bed no moving to a chair and no bath for 9 days! Patient has been told to not be rude by pushing the call button for assistance. Family wants to and will be giving her all the care that we can and the hospital is refusing medical care if we take her home. No amublance to transport her home, the transportation would be very difficult. We just want her transported safely and some medical care available if needed at home. The family will do the day to day care and cleaning she needs. The home she will be transported to will have a lift added on and a lift for her bed to chair movements, this can’t happen until she is moved home and then it can be declared an emergency and help can happen then, the whole time we have a severly disabled 36 (her son) currently living in the home, that’s not considered an emergency? Please help us, all we want is to fullfill our mom’s wish to come home and the hospital is doing everything in their power to keep her captive! The quality of life currently has left her wishing for death….we want her to come home and at least feel like living again.
Please help or point us in the right driection…
Thank you Lynda Smith