Death Welland Hospital – Ontario

I am writing in regards to the Welland Hospital here in Ontario.
I called 911 on sat morning Jan 15 as my mom was complaining of pains in her lung area and her stomach…she was rushed into Welland Hospital …we were there 6 hours laying in a hallway with a doctor once in awhile checking in on her. The doctor ordered ex-rays and said that there was nothing wrong with her and released her in my care. She was so weak that she couldnt even get up on a toliet to pee or walk. but they were not concerned. I took her home and laid her in her bed trying to give her water to take her pills and with no strength in her body was unable to even keep her head up. I returned the next morning to find her not mobile in her bed in the same position i left her . I could not get her to speak or get up to try to drink something. I then tried calling the crisis centre at the hospital and got an answering machine telling me that i can not leave a message. I then called the emerg room number and again got an answering machine telling me that i could not leave a message there either. I then called 911 again to come back to the house. They arrived to find my mom’s heart rate sky high and took her back to the hospital. Then had ex-rayed her to find out she left lung was full of amonia and there was water around her heart. How could they have not caught this on saturday. The doctor came in to ask me why i was there again on sunday as i was there on sat and there was nothing wrong. What has happened to our heath care….How can this be missed.
THis just didn’t happen to my mom but to her husband as well…He was rushed in on Mon morning and was there for 7 days on respo care and then send home…two days later was rushed back by 911 to find out his lung was full of amonia….i dont get it…
Needless to say we lost my Mom 5 days later to her illness…Im am so upset with the hospital care ….How do we fix this.