November 2022


Emergency patient

I was admitted to the hospital for an alcohol issue, I kind of understand the lower urgency as I chose this heath issue. But perhaps ask a few more Questions could of been asked. I was raped as a child at the age of 3-5 and the level non caring…


Heart of the Rockies Medical Center

Heart of the Rockies regional Medical Center in Salida CO 81201. This hospital never returns phone calls. this hospital’s scheduling department cannot return a call and make a scheduling appointment for any kind of testing. I’ve been waiting a week and a half and still have not even received one…



Patient: Fiona Rose Kelly 81789-2291 Triage #1 booth admittance at 11:45 ( Sue-Anne did not ask: Constipation or diarrhea loss of appetite Blood in urine feeces or vomit ( none remembered but did not pay attention) Swelling of right side of stomach Can’t pass gass Feels like needs a BM…