February 2019


Langley Memorial Hospital

Very dissatisfied with being in the emerge for almost 12 hours to finally have a spinal tap regarding possible meningitis. Severe fever when coming in and sat in an uncomfortable chair the whole time. I understand the lack of facility and or staff against demand by the public. But that’s…


Queensway Carleton Hospital Ottawa ontario

Requested semi-private room July, 13,2019. After 4 days changed it to Ward as realized I could not afford the $75 difference per day for an extended period. Filled in paperwork for ward. Hospital keeps billing my insurance Compant for semi-private even after giving them copies of paperwork proving only 4…


Queensway Carlton Hospital, Nepean

Horrible wait times. Only one doctor on. My boyfriend was in excruciating pain with a possible broken arm and took 6 hours before they even did an x-ray after telling them his fingers were numb and couldn’t move them. Only 1 doctor on and nurses sitting in the nursing station…


Grand river Hospital Kitchener

My name is Claude Lalancette. I am a veteran from the Canadian armed forces. During my service I have acquires several injuries. The injury that affects my life the most is my acquired brain injury caused by the antimalarial drug, Mefloquine/Lariam. It is known that Mefloquine is NEUROTOXIC and its…


Brampton Civic

Parking payment kiosks are always a problem. This one has charged my for a monthly pass when it was not intended to be so. Anyone using these machines knows how ridiculous they are to use as is getting any help from anyone in the parking facility. There is also little…