Sick Kids Toronto
I’m wondering if you could let me know if this is the complaints department for sick kids I have a complaint about a doctor and would like to address the problem
Let your voice be heard
I’m wondering if you could let me know if this is the complaints department for sick kids I have a complaint about a doctor and would like to address the problem
My brother, Mark Devine is currently in the resp unit. Last night my brother took a fall in the shower. He had a large amount of bleeding as he returned to his bed. He ended up with no help from anyone. Infact, he was still lying in a bloodied bed…
I’m going on 3 hrs of waiting for someone to see my toddler . When I first came in the examination room they told me that I wasn’t aloud to walk around the halls with her. Ok fine but there’s not one you in room or t.v to play a…
Good morning, I am on full disability and saved up for a private room for my colon resection at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. The infection control was non-existant. I shared an adjoining bathroom that had feces on the side of the toilet from the gentleman in the adjoining room that…
I recently had a surgery for a deviated septum and was upset by the post-operative nurse treatment I received. When I came to, I noticed I was spitting blood and asked for a bowl. I was given a kleenex and was told by the nurse “that’s disgusting”. Also, I was…
My spouse Jennifer has a parent in this hospital currently. His name is Colum McInerney he lost both of his legs to diabetes and was hospitalized due to excessive alcohol use. He is a senior with severe problems. He was unable to feed himself because of severe withdrawals from alcohol…
This without the WORST patient care I have every mom arrived at the hospital at 8pm with shortness breath at 1015 we still haven’t seen a doctor but worst 6 others that we came in before that had an ekg went ahead of us I understand if people are…
My 87 year old Mon was sent by ambulance 2x. Both visits (I being her daughter) asked the Dr. if my mom was dying and he said “NO”. He said it was normal for an elderly person not to eat because she is older. There was no mention of her…
March 06,2018 to whom may concern Subject: Surgery schedulle Patient:Christian J Vermette by this letter I like to let you know my complain about the surgery I should get it’s now over 9 mounts I’m waitting I call many times Doctor Petrisor office to have a follow up on the…
Link to complaint posted on this website on Jan 15 2018 Nov 8th 2017 complaint ↓ Nov 23 2017 Napanee Hospital response ↓ Dec 4 2017 My reply ↓ Dear Ms. Manion, Thank you for your response letter dated November 23,2017 and I appreciate your invitation to contact…