March 2018


Toronto East Genera

My brother, Mark Devine is currently in the resp unit.  Last night my brother took a fall in the shower. He had a large amount of bleeding as he returned to his bed.   He ended up with no help from anyone. Infact, he was still lying in a bloodied bed…


Cheo Ottawa

I’m going on 3 hrs of waiting for someone to see my toddler . When I first came in the examination room they told me that I wasn’t aloud to walk around the halls with her. Ok fine but there’s not one you in room or t.v to play a…


Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital

Good morning, I am on full disability and saved up for a private room for my colon resection at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. The infection control was non-existant. I shared an adjoining bathroom that had feces on the side of the toilet from the gentleman in the adjoining room that…


St.Catharines General Hospital

I recently had a surgery for a deviated septum and was upset by the post-operative nurse treatment I received. When I came to, I noticed I was spitting blood and asked for a bowl. I was given a kleenex and was told by the nurse “that’s disgusting”. Also, I was…


Brampton Civic

This without the WORST patient care I have every mom arrived at the hospital at 8pm with shortness breath at 1015 we still haven’t seen a doctor but worst 6 others that we came in before that had an ekg went ahead of us I understand if people are…


Hamilton General Hospital

March 06,2018 to whom may concern Subject: Surgery schedulle Patient:Christian J Vermette by this letter I like to let you know my complain about the surgery I should get it’s now over 9 mounts I’m waitting I call many times Doctor Petrisor office to have a follow up on the…


STIGMATIZED at the Napanee Hospital LACGH (Their response & my reply)

Link to complaint posted on this website on Jan 15 2018 Nov 8th 2017 complaint ↓ Nov 23 2017 Napanee Hospital response ↓ Dec 4 2017 My reply ↓ Dear Ms. Manion, Thank you for your response letter dated November 23,2017 and I appreciate your invitation to contact…