November 2017


Brampton Civic Hospital

My mother fell outside doctor’s office in Etobicoke, Ontario after visiting her family doctor. She was taken to Etobicoke General Hospital at first for her leg pain and right eye was bleeding. Etobicoke General Hospital took x-ray of her leg and transferred her to Brampton Civic Hospital. Now Brampton Civic…


Brockville general

My sister is a 59 year old disabled woman whom has been paralyzed on her left side since the age of 18. The past few years you can visual see her health is deteriating and you now can here and see see is suffering severe breathing and heart issues. She…


Juravinski, Hamilton, Ontario

I am writing concerning my mother Shirley Ann Mattina who received treatment over a 4 week period beginning August 14 and ending September 12, 2017 with her death. Shirley spent the majority of this time in the F3 wing of the Juravinki hospital. Shirley had various ailments (Bladder Cancer, Diabetes,…