April 2017


Credit Valley Hospital Mississauga

I wants to complaint about the bad experience I had on Friday evening April 28, 2017 at the RAJ Emergency area. I was transferred to hospital via Ambulance due to my foot injury. I was unable to walk to my foot and lead head Angela in the RAJ area didn’t…


Trillium Hospital Mississauga

My father was ill and brought to this hospital. He had some bowel issues, with out going into detail. He was operated on shortly afterwards. The surgeon promise my mother he would be ok. He ended up passing away. While in Icu, he was sedated and paralyzed. The nurses would…


Centenary Hospital

Walk in doctor decides not to show up at 10 a.m. wasn’t there for 11 a.m. The clinic opens at 10 a.m. as a professional, being at work on time is something I expect to be a standard. In the hospital business I’d expect there to be some sort of…


Western University Hospital, London Ontario

Tonight my friend Matthew is in serious need of medical attention with severe heart pains that have been coming on every five minutes. We went to this emergency because we have no mode of transportation to anywhere else. The triage nurse did not believe this emergency situation and the wait…


All hospitals i have been to

I have been abused and midiagnosed by doctors especially at emergency rooms since 1999 even to the point that i almost died of a bowel perforation and gps and psychiatrists refused to even do the test to show i had actually perforated[the bloodwork refected it] and i know it was…


lakeridge oshawa hospital

The complaint is there isn’t any place to park to pick up a patent It is not right that when are having the stress of going and visiting your next of kin for days and weeks and then get a parking  ticket for picking up a patient . There is no place…