March 2017


Mackenzie Health

My one-year old was brought to the hospital at noon by paramedics. He pushe back ha high chair and opened the back of his head. I arrive after he was brought emerge. My mother was in the ambulance with him. I went to the nurse that checked him first and…


william osler

I have been exposed to poor service as I was forced to sit in a hallway in a gown all night. I was not given any food or pillows however was expected to stay in the hallway with several other patients who were also in crisis. This exhaserbated my anxiety…


Grey Nuns, Edmonton Alberta

The admitting desk at the Grey Nuns is absolutely horrible! the lady we had to deal with dismissed my Dad and I when my Dad had a medical emergency. She couldn’t have been bothered to even get out of her chair. My dad was losing a lot of blood I…


Calgary Foothill Hospital parking

Hi, I purchased a weekly parking pass (Feb 21-27,2017) from Alberta Health Service at Foothill Hospital parking office in the basement of Women’s Health Centre. A parking office attendant who sold me the pass told me that I could park any of the indoor or outdoor parking lots. On Feb…


Trillium hospital mississauga

Extreamly disapointed in this hospital over the past 2 years. Im not sure what has changed, but the quality of care has significantly decreased! After being told by not one not two but 3 people not to go to this hospital due to poor communication,lack of doctors and ridiculous lack…