June 2016


Headwaters, Orangeville, ON

Hi There, For the last few months my Mom and indirectly my family and myself have suffered an unbelievable chain of mistreatment and human rights violation at headwaters hospital located in Orangeville ON My Mom had a stroke but was rejected of seeing a Neurologist as her medical condition was…


Toronto East General Hospital

I was verbally attacked repeatedly by a nurse in the operating room, while I was on the table being prepped for surgery, because I was from another country. The other surgical staff laughed nervously at first then started hushing her down. I wondered if she might not do her job as well due…


Guelph general hospital guelph ontario

Hello im the father of amanda cunninghams newborn son I would like to file a complaint about one of your staff members in the nersery at the guelph general hospital her name is mary she needs to be retrained about having compasion for patients and needs to learn how to…



my mother was admitted 8 days ago with a urinary tract infection which came about as a result of major cancer surgery.  This is not our issue, we understand that this sometimes happens.  What we are complaining about is the lack of communication between the doctors, nurses and ourselves.  my…


Arnprior Hospital in Arnprior Ontario

First off I want to address that this is an opinion piece. I am trying to spread awareness to everyone. It’s time the Arnprior and District Memorial changes its ways to  saves lives instead of accidentally taking lives. The following are true events that have taken place at the hospital…


lakeridge health oshawa

when someone is involved in a mva accident  they shouldnt just blow him off because he is talking he was in shock he was brought in by ambulance on a back board with a collar on his neck they removed all that put him in a wheel chair and moved him…