December 2012


Whistler Health Care Center

At 5am on December 18th, I woke up with severe pain in my right side, just under my ribcage.. The pain was so bad, I was on the brink of going into shock.. My girlfriend and friend rushed me to the hospital, to find it closed.. On the way, my…


elliot doctors and nurses

The Doctors and Nurse are Stupid and Lazy. And don’t give a shit about the sick people. THis is BS. when people are sick and need attention. they should help them. which they do NOT. How the hell they get jobs? They should re hire all of them. and make…


Seven Oaks Hospital, Winnipeg, MB. Canada

My wife, MOIRA POMMER required hip fracture surgery ( femor ) in July 2012. By ambulance to Gimli Hospital, then by ambulance to Winnipeg. Dr. John Leonard Wiens performed the surgery at Seven Oaks Hospital in Winnipeg. Where she spent weeks not recovering well. then she spent weeks back at…


Brampton civic Hospital

My name is Wayne, My grandfather is charles Armstrong.He help pay for the building of this hospital. I had to go there because I take seizers, I was treated like a piece of crap,they are the most ignorant people,non concerning bunch of idiots Ive ever met.Inconciderate they treat everone like…


William Osler Brampton Civic Hospital

I agree with Mr. Armstong,this hospital emergency staff should be dismissed from there jobs,If they dont like dealing with the public get rid of them! Its embarassing to have PROFESSIONALS?? as tey call themselves working like a bunch of imature people with attitudes in a new hospital.We pay taxes, theres…


Ottawa General Hospital

Acute Partial Hospitalization Program. It is a shame that the room designated for this program is being used for the over flow of patients. Many in the program suffer from anxiety and mood disorders. We are placed in a very tight room with little space, and it is very disrupting.…