February 2012


Credit Valley Hospital Mississauga

This hospital is awful!! I had gone today and was forced to wait 4 hours after completing my CT scan for the results. I watched many patients of the other doctors go in and out while the doctor I was seen by was “too busy with another patient upstairs”. I…


Ottawa Hospital

Son says oversight at Ottawa Hospital cancer clinic serves as a warning BY HUGH ADAMI, THE OTTAWA CITIZEN FEBRUARY 22, 2012 6:07 PM Lung cancer patient Xuguang Zhao was 80 when he died in April 2010 due to respiratory failure. OTTAWA — The Ottawa Hospital acknowledges a clerical oversight in…


B.C. and Alta Hospitals

I made several complaints about these previously to the website and for some reason the site deemed my comments inappropriate when in fact it was the hospital, and doctor conduct that was inappropriate, negligeant, diabolcially violent. If this site is supposed to be a figure painting exercise in rehab class…


Kate Santucci, Horrible, disgrace, uncompassionate, dangerously incompetent, Children’s Memorial Hospital

Kate Santucci Nurse at Children’s Memorial Hospital Home: 1938 W Roscoe Chicago IL 60657 Business: 2300 Children’s Plaza Chicago IL 60614-3773 773-880-4000 Internet Address: http://www.childrensmemorial.org I am writing this as a frequent visitor of Children’s Memorial, and a health care professional myself. Kate Santucci, formerly, Kate Stineman, nurse at Children’s…