Not enough doctors in fracture clinic – William Osler Health Centre, Brampton Civic Hospital

Complaint: Hi this is my story – back in Nov. I broke my ankle and went to hospital – I wanted 6 hours to see the doctor for x-ray. I was asked to buy walking sticks (surprised – I thought medical system was FREE in Canada). I was given appointment to see Dr. in fracture clinic – guess my appointment date was after month and half – do you know that bones are kind of healed in a month or so for small fratures.

Anyway I went to see doctor after month and half – I was waiting for 5 hours as doctor had double bookings for the day. I was waiting for the doc – he saw me went to the computer and order the nurse to put me in walking boot. If this is how patients see doctors then this could very well be done on internet and ship the boot to my house 🙂

I was given a boot and then asked to sign a bill for 0+ as I had to pay for the boot (again – where is free medical system?)
Ok I pay and no instructions on how to walk and what will be my next steps – i was asked to come back in one month time.
After wearing the boot for couple of weeks – I could feel my foot itching a lot and would itch like a dog. My foot was all red – went to see a walk in doctor and she said it is nothing it will be all good, I was asked to buy an itching cream. The itching never stopped I went to another doctor and he was like – “this is not good – i think this is serious infection” – I should go to ER.

Cussing the stupid walkin doctor – i went to ER and had to wait for another 5 hours and I was told this in a infection and I have a big blister by now. I was put on HEAVY antibiotic dose to control and was asked – “when I broker my leg, noone prescribed antibiotics?” – I was surprised, anyways i started antibiotics and in few days the redness was gone and went to dr. in fracture clinic – he said your foot is healed and you are good to rock and roll –

My question is what the hell did doctor do to make it good – doctor did not even spend 2 mins with me for this whole treatment and I had spent 25 hours waiting in the waiting room.

Anyway I wanted to start my routine work and thought of getting it checked one last time to see if my ankle has healed – so i went to my doctor and asked for an x-ray, i got the report and surprise there is still a hairlne visible on the bone.
I was back at fracture clinic waiting for doctor – first thing he asked me “why did you not go to rehab” – my answer was “because you said it is all healed and no need to go to rehab” – upon which he gave me a story of how he broke hsi ankle and it still swells after 10 years. So anyway I had my last meeting with him – where he told me it will heal by itself over the time and i should get back to my daily routine – without any worries

My first Canadian medical experience was not good – and seems like the word FREE!! is no more free…